After our great face to face sessions last month in Urgench and Samarqand, Uzbekistan our big wondering was whether we could maintain the momentum and excitement even though we have over 10,000 KM separating our STEM4Learning team from any Uzbekistan teachers.
Any fear was put to rest this past Saturday when we had a very successful Zoom call that sure seemed to span the distance. The ten hour time difference isn't ideal - but we found that 10 AM in Vermont and 8 PM in Uzbekistan might be the perfect compromise, at least for the 20
teachers that were able to join in the call. We shared a new Energizer sharing our favorite superpower, followed it with a game of Would You Rather? as our relationship builder and wrapped up with a new Picture Book "Not A Box" - adding a few new tools to the learning that we had been able share during our face to face workshops.
Our favorite part was listening to teachers share new ideas that they have tried in their classrooms over the past few weeks. This ties in with our overall goal of helping develop this group of teachers as a Professional Learning Community, where teachers are collaborating, sharing and exploring ideas together in order to "nuture engagement and growth for all!"
Listening to how some teacher have begun to use activities and materials from our workshop was fantastic - and provided insights for all of us on how we can work together to build engagement in these classrooms. Our next session will be January 7 - hard to believe 2023 is right around the corner! Can't wait for our next session!