Uzbekistan Project NEGA Resources
Ресурсы проекта NEGA в Узбекистане
Our current US State Department Project - NEGA: Nurturing Engagement and Growth for All, is designed to help English Teachers in Uzbekistan implement new strategies to increase their students’ speaking, listening and reading skills. These resource collections are things that we have used in our face to face and virtual workshops, selected as examples of various pedagogical strategies that teachers can modify and expand upon in their own classrooms.
All that we do...

STEM4Learning is my way to pay it forward, creating hands-on teacher training growing from 35 years of teaching science, Russian and design tech in Alaska and Vermont. Currently, the focus is supporting STEM and English teachers in Uzbekistan - and I’m always looking for unique opportunities to work with enthusiastic teachers.

Looking for some inspiration of how to go beyond your basic classroom and add some excitement to your life as a teacher. That has been a theme of my 35 years as a public school teacher - here are just a few of doors that have been opened and allowed me to expand my world and impact students across the globe.