NEGA Gallery
In case you are wondering - Nega is Uzbek for Why? - and the theme of the project is being able to legitimately answer that perennial student question "why are we doing this?" with an answer grounded in pedagogical research.
Starting with a 3 day workshops in Samarqand and Urgench, US based STEM4Learning trainers will offer hands-on instruction to help build energy, enthusiasm and engagement through innovative education methods such as:
Adventure-based experiential learning
Creative design challenges and collaborative problem solving
English language picture book read-alouds and follow-on STEM lessons
Algorithmic thinking, coding and basic robotics
Following the workshop participants will join in regular Zoom sessions and share their experiences in a project website, working with colleagues and STEM4Learning trainers to incorporate these ideas and others to build engagement and English learning. In April 2023, the group will return to Urgench State University for another workshop to expand on the ideas and continue to build our professional learning community.