The Burlington community makerspace, Generator -, has received a federal grant for $365,000 for a three year project supporting and growing maker-based education in 6 schools across Vermont including Williston Central School. With support from Senator Leahy’s office, the USDoE provided funds for Generator to build out makerspaces in selected schools across the state.

This three-year program is designed to develop, implement, and sustain makerspace programs for their local learning communities in order to meet the following goals:
Increase access to education in manufacturing, prototyping, fabrication, innovative technology, design-thinking, early-stage entrepreneurship, and workplace safety for rural Vermont middle and high schools
Increase professional development training and support for Vermont educators in advanced technologies and manufacturing

Build pathways to post-secondary employment, training, and education for high school graduates by exposing them to career paths in emerging technologies, technical training, and connections to employers and local networks essential for advancement
Provide greater access for rural communities to high-paying jobs in technical fields

WCAX interviewed WCS Design Technology teacher and founder Allan Miller to learn more about the project - here is a link to that interview: